Welcome into Our Hearts!

Elder Hoops Meditation

by Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
My new blog and Great Name: Thunder Roaring Stream

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Monday, December 26, 2011


Aho my beautiful relations, I bow to the sacred 9 directions!
Have you learned to hear with more than just your ears or see with more than just your eyes? We must learn to feel more then just skin deep and touch with more than just our bodies. When faced with anything we should always remember the completeness of the thought not just the balance (put it back together). We learn to trust through love and validation, remember if You want to be validated (heard), then YOU must also validate (hear and echo back). We often leave too much room for interpretation thus leaving our intent and actions misunderstood and unguided. We SHARE a responsibility with all that is sacred, simply treat everything as SACRED! As we find ourselves closer to awakening invite change rather then fear it.
"Grandfather Spirit, Fertile Mother, and Unwavering Ancestors help us realize even the strongest rock bows and accepts change"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I hold You

Aho My Relations On This Great Red Road, I Bless The Sacred 9 Directions!
I walk hand in hand with you, and will not allow you to fall far. I will not let yesterday to be my moment of greatness nor assume tomorrow is promised. Walk for your own greatness and allow for error, preconcieved expectations makes us biased and one sided. I love therefore I am loved!
"Great Spirit, beautiful Mother, and Ageless Ancestors allow me to truly see greatness through a mirror"

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Awaking During a Walk

Aho My Beautiful Brothers and Sisters on this most magnificent journey! I bring blessings to the Sacred Nine Directions!
Once we have learned to identify the inner issues and demons, it is important to realize that as we see the oceans are occupied whether by amphibian or water, so is our sacred space around us in the air we breathe. We must fill that empty space with prayer and light my brothers and sisters thus occupying cleansed space. If we refuse to do so we allow for negativity to invade that open space thus causing the cleansing and prayer to become strained and leave holes in our being. It is time to wake and remember that although we can discover how something is made or how it operates, we cannot take away from the miracle of its BEING. We ask for miracles however when presented with living proof (i.e. life) we disregard and refuse to validate. My brothers and sisters keep in mind if we refuse to acknowledge the gifts given to us from Grandfather Spirit, they will stop being given. Look towards inner beauty to display and enjoy the miracles around us everyday!
"Grandfather Spirit, Beautiful Mother, and Ageless Ancestors as we learn to walk towards (new beginnings) remind us of the everyday miracles that surround us."

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Aho my Relatives on our incredible journey,

I bless the sacred nine directions!
Let us learn to see without boundaries, it is our own ideologies that can cloud our vision. As we enter into the time of Good Days, let us remember to learn as children do. Often we look to elders for experience to remedy a lot of our situations, without ever taking responsibility to learn the lesson. Once we find all balance points in our life, we must put it in use! Balance is not enough, it is rather a beginning to creating wholeness with ones self. We cannot bring any balance or unity until we learn to Bow like the rainbow, and admit self ignorance (If we knew everything then no lessons would ever be learned).

Our elder soul or child soul (depending where we are in the sacred circle, blue road) has it's place as does our child flesh or elder flesh (depending where we are in the sacred circle, red road), the trick is to learn when to or which one to use (soul knowledge or flesh intelligence). Eventually through practicing your own ways and constant self reflection, growth will emerge and understanding will occur. Stand close in support for your brothers and sisters achievements and short comings. Remember to Wankan Tanka (walk and talk in greatness), without doing so completeness will never be achieved.
"Grand Father Spirit, Ageless Mother, and Knowledgeable Ancestors help us not only see but achieve greatness by first beginning with self!"

-Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

White Buffalo Calf Woman Shares:  To be wakan tanka (holy walking and talking) one must always start on the blue road, where the soul bows to receive the sharing with each other. This is done with prayers and blessings, to ensure we are bountiful. However for those who are unwilling to bow (share prayers and blessings with each other), one must repeat the sound or story of another. This is the law of the echo on the blue road, for this validates the voice of another. Once we validate each other, then we can hear the heart of those who are willing to share, positively or negatively. This is the GREAT RECEIVING of the COMPLETENESS of the Sacred Circle. Then we are able to share our own voice, our intelligence on the red road with each other. We start on the Blue road, whether it's elder or child, then move towards the Red road, whether it's elder or child. Knowing when to use heart wisdom and mind intelligence helps us to decipher the universe. Each of us are older and younger than the next person or thing, for this is the Sacred Circle. WE have much knowledge and we who are willing to share our knowledge, receive the greatest treasures.  To choose the correct path to the evolutionary journey towards each other,  Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird assists us to use reflection of our actions to grow and understand the universe around us and within our own GREATNESS. Completeness is knowing we need each other as relatives on the Great Circle of Life. We bow and praise.

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Students of Our Own Lessons

Aho My Relatives on this beautiful and unique journey, 

I bring blessings to the sacred nine directions! To often we find ourselves students of our own teachings, there is nothing wrong with this as we take lesson with everything we do. With our current ideologies fading, we must remember to act for the betterment of all! We have allowed for outlandish representation and must remedy our ways. Working towards a common goal is what unites all of us, WE MUST WALK OUR TALK!

This begins with the practices within our own beliefs, you must Wankan Tanka (walk and talk in greatness). We place so many boundaries with race, and our own ideologies that we have forgot that they are all created by human. We are flawed my brothers and sisters, its only when we refuse to grow do we find ourselves in an imbalance. When all is dark and you have to close your eyes to catch that fading light, "HOLD ON TIGHT!"

"Grandfather Spirit, Ageless Mother, and Wise Ancestors teach me to Wakan Tankan (walk and talk in greatness) so balance and harmony can be created!"

-Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy
-Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Yellow Rolling Hills (Good Days)

Aho my Brothers and Sisters upon this beautiful and unsual journey, 

I send greetings and blessings from the nine sacred directions.

When we learn to walk and talk in truth and understanding, then And Only then will we truly see. We have been fed and blinded by unproductive and inhumane intentions. It is said by the old ones that in order to be better, "Be Better!" We can choose to accept inbalance and tumble and fall, or reach out with individual faith to go further then you ever imagined. NOW is the time for the good old days, celebrate instead of fight...

Our words have stopped being heard and it is once again time for us to stand tall and enter into a new era of self discovery and new enlightenment! Begin to find Your own ways and practice them, for they are Yours. We must learn to believe in what we say; too often we don't practice what we preach. Pull together with like minded people and create community again, there is no need to be alone. We have allowed an ideology of someone elses justice and needless barter (money) to take control of something thats not to be owned; "entitlement to life." Our significance and duty is to CARE for ALL, not just comfort. Dreamers and doers alike need to united and create the times of the yellow rolling hills (good days).

"Grandfather Spirit, Ageless Mother, and Ancestors bring the times of the yellow rolling hills (good days), so we may all gather without fear or boundaries."

-Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dreamers and Doers Unite

Aho My Brothers and Sisters on this Beautiful Road,

I give blessings to the sacred nine directions! It is imperative that we remember that once we have learned to understand something; follow through is necessary. It is not enough to simply recognize our problems, we must then act and improve. Balance is achieved when both dreamers and doers unite for a common goal or vision. I will say to you as I was told, " To be better... Be Better."

"Grandfather Spirit, Nurturing Mother, and Ancestors teach us to live in awareness. Give us the courage to see beyond our boundaries, and repair our selves!

-Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

note: The nine sacred directions are in, out (breath), up and down (wind), here/hear/all around/center, east, south, west, north (four directions represent the house or holy temple clothed in rainbow colors). Blessing nine directions ensure that all dream space is blessed and purified. Welcome to the sacred nine directions (1-9, zero is the flowing and knowing and not a number).

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Point to Your Heart, Rainbow Clan!

I Bless Myself, I Bless the World, I Bless You

Nine Sacred Directions, I Bless with Fire, to alleviate mire, the space that needs some grace, when I light up and purify this space! ~ White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Prayer to Heaven and Earth, the Nine Sacred Directions each time we bless water's dark and fire's light, included in the Pipe!

To the East and the West. To the North and the South. To the Up and the Down. To the Sacred All Around. To the Heartbeat (in) and the Breath (out), I gift all my sacredness. I receive my life for thee. Forever in the breeze!

Music Player: whitebuffalocalfwoman.net

Music Player: iamaSunDance.Org