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Elder Hoops Meditation

by Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
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Monday, July 18, 2011

Absolute and Unbiased: Elder Hoops Meditation

Aho Brothers and Sisters upon our Red Road,

As we do our prayers and meditations let us look at things most glorious and anew. It seems as though some things we need to relearn or allow ourselves to hold a new perspective. We must learn to work in harmony with all, not just each other. Our youth are very impressionable, and must be taught to relearn that nature's laws are most absolute and unbiased. We as man/woman may impose our own laws and securities, but after all is done it is the Sacred Circle that offers us Oneness. This WILL is imposed on all of creation and destruction. We can teach harmony (aligning our songs) by living in harmony (acting upon or reverberate the song). So stand tall Brothers and Sisters, like the wakan (holy) tree. We must remember that everything is vision or dream until it's acted upon, so choose to act. Become the Dreamer.

"Great Spirit in the Sky (creator), Mother, and Ancestors allow balance and harmony to shine bright, so dreaming and doers (dreamers) alike may learn to build both peace and understanding."

-Little Crow Who Talks to Thunderbird

Note by White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
Creator was often used as Great Spirit Father, who has guided us for a millennium. However, it was His job to teach us to become, "I am".  It is the "I am" which all children possess, which is the Great Spirit within all things, great and small.  Each child creates part of the whole collective dream. The dream is what we hold inside, our vision to become and we start to aim for a course of action to take. It is the dreamer who walks towards the dream to echo and solidify the dreaming into reality. The dreamer becomes the CREATOR, by walking towards the talking told (story). And thus, it is the Wakan Tanka (Great Spirit) or walking talking, which unites our heavenly soul with music with our earthly flesh of rainbow colors. Each child is a creator (dreamer) and a great spirit (dream), when we learn to unite and harmonize with relative flows.

"Here I am. I stand here/hear, I am not going anywhere! I shall walk towards your dream and we shall unite divinity." White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Point to Your Heart, Rainbow Clan!

I Bless Myself, I Bless the World, I Bless You

Nine Sacred Directions, I Bless with Fire, to alleviate mire, the space that needs some grace, when I light up and purify this space! ~ White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Prayer to Heaven and Earth, the Nine Sacred Directions each time we bless water's dark and fire's light, included in the Pipe!

To the East and the West. To the North and the South. To the Up and the Down. To the Sacred All Around. To the Heartbeat (in) and the Breath (out), I gift all my sacredness. I receive my life for thee. Forever in the breeze!

Music Player: whitebuffalocalfwoman.net

Music Player: iamaSunDance.Org