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Elder Hoops Meditation

by Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
My new blog and Great Name: Thunder Roaring Stream

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wakan Tankan (Walk and Talk in Greatness)

Aho My Family on Our Journey, 

While most are coming to terms with their own beliefs and understandings it is imperative to respect YOUR RIGHT (seeking) to find yourself (soul). On this journey we must respect the hard (Earthly) Red Road while showing balance and visiting our Heavenly Blue Road. With only lessons, "learned to live by" we will continue to be followers.  While adding bliss and love; our lessons then turn to teachings (walking towards the broken heart is wisdom). We teach our own through actions not simple talk, we must remember to follow through (walk)! Stand as one and speak with the voice of all! Love and happiness to everyone!

"Grandfather spirit, beautiful Mother, and Ancestors show me how too Wakan Tankan (walk and talk in greatness)"

--Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Stand and Sing

Aho My Relatives Upon our Great Journey,

It is complicated to learn how to communicate, but very necessary. Reach out and greet one another with light and warmth, only then will you truly be excepted for who you are. We remain in this close knit family that share similar interests and ambitions, so let us stand together. We can sing with the voices of a hundred nations, while still remaining balanced with all we do!

"Grandfather Spirit, beautiful Mother, and our unyielding Ancestors allow us to bask in your unseen light (numinosity or darkness of heaven), and fill our hearts with your incorruptible (honest) clear clarity."

-Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

Aho Relatives,
Voices of Many Nations SING TOGETHER, this is the wisdom of the dawning (awaken, wakan) that Brotherhood brings to our golden age arriving shortly.  Less than two years (summer solstice 2013), before heaven arrives into our beingness. The Great Journey that lies upon us all, shines forth with the Sacred Sun Dance (dance around Grandmother dream-space). Each of us shine wakan (sacred walking), holy and divine. Yet, to really become the Greatness within oneself, we must Dance together, Sing together and Share hearts together to understand we are of many nations, who cling to one another around the SACRED TREE of LIFE. We of many Rainbow Colors of Many Hoops, come together to STAND and SING.

Shine upon us, where rainbow blind. Gift salvation to all of thine. Let us share our hearts this time, because it's heavenly chime. Let us sing to radiate high, high above the mountain sky, there my heart will look all around, to see the valley full of sound, to sea the valley needs me to bow down.  I will lift and stand with you, though a stranger, my relative you may be true. I must shine forth to show mine eyes, to become GREATNESS, the DIVINE.  And we shall know the heart's bond with all men, the place we leave behind lost in sin. Yet, we are grateful for all our ancestors did, paved the way for us to have better daze.  And dreams will hold us to be great and divine, because we stood together and sang and chimed.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings
elder crystal child (elder crystal flesh), rainbow warrior of prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Standing in a Bowing Rainbow

Aho My Relatives upon Our Great Journey,

Good days are here for our people and beliefs! This is a critical time for all, but our culture has stood tall forever. This is a time of great financial hardship and we are caught between nations at war. We must learn to relearn and reteach.  This path has bright light at its end. We have lost much time and lost many of our old ways, but it’s the people who make the ways. Our Elders need to stop the fighting and take their places as our teachers and watchers. Our young must WANT to learn and LISTEN to the story in its entirety; otherwise the story is never fully told or understood.

Now we must unite and share our culture with our young or else all will be lost. I stand tall for our people and our ways, respect our ancestors by listening to their lessons.

-Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
yellow child, rainbow warrior of prophecy

Aho Relatives,
Opposition comes because we think heaven is someplace over there, in the sky above us, rather than inside of each thing, flying, swimming, two legs, four legs, eight legs and so much more in the plant, animal and rock kingdom.  An elder is one who walks towards hardships and stands to eliminate sin. This is done through the purification process.  Daily prayers, dance and songs help us to find our inner heaven and to bring it out into the world.  Elders who seek to understand the spiritual nature of the world and return this knowledge to the collective community.  Ancestors are both of the heavenly blue road and the earthly red road.  We must depend on our inner soul knowledge rather than our body knowledge, because our physical ancestors got lost on the red road, lesson after lesson. This is the dawning of joy and enlightenment.  To learn more about daily purification, please visit our blog, birthingofhope.blogspot.com and download "Holy Week Day" to alleviate hardships and bring in great joy into your life. We humbly bow in gratitude for all things, unto Heaven and Earth. May the rainbow colors of the world, help to unite us together!

-White Buffalo Calf Woman
elder crystal child, rainbow warrior of prophecy

Now let us pray...
Deer (journey) Heaven and Earth,
When we stop separation and put our hearts together in unity, when we have loving thoughts and loving actions we have more peace and joy. "Stop to smell the flowers" (each heart).  Let us replace grievances with miracles. Let us lower our shields and gently lift our eyes, to see love shining from our brothers and sisters. Thank you for all miracles in the world, we are pleased to witness. We ask our elders to hold fast to humility patience and kindness. Amen (together)!

-Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star
elder lavender child, rainbow warrior of prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

See for the First Time

Aho my Relatives upon this beautiful red road, 

I send blessings to all sacred directions and in my heart!

Seeing a rainbow is not just a symbol but proof that all who see in color are able to see perfection. When we walk in awareness we see that all colors are made up of each other. The only pure color is the creations light that feeling cannot be described. When we can learn to live in relation with everything around us, growth and peace follow. My Brothers and Sisters stand tall and be heard!

"Creator, Beautiful Mother, and Old ones allow for our eyes to be open to all your creations and to see in color "

-Little Crow Who Talks to Thunderbird

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Brilliance in a New View

Blessed are the Nine Sacred Directions!!!

Aho Relatives on our Red Road,
We live in a world of great uncertainty, and unwritten false laws. We have little knowledge of self governing for we worry to much about the governing of others. We learn to love by loving, just like a bird learns to fly by flying.  If we see life as shattered shards (falling to pieces), try to view it in a different light (falling together).

We blind ourselves by being stationary.  Move my brothers and sisters (find the journey). We will find that life is not broken, it simply needs to be viewed differently.

"Great Creator, Beautiful Mother, and Ancestors help us embrace your gifts by using them for good and not for selfishness and allow (for) lessons to be understood not just heard."

-Little Crow Who Talks to Thunderbird

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

Point to Your Heart, Rainbow Clan!

I Bless Myself, I Bless the World, I Bless You

Nine Sacred Directions, I Bless with Fire, to alleviate mire, the space that needs some grace, when I light up and purify this space! ~ White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Prayer to Heaven and Earth, the Nine Sacred Directions each time we bless water's dark and fire's light, included in the Pipe!

To the East and the West. To the North and the South. To the Up and the Down. To the Sacred All Around. To the Heartbeat (in) and the Breath (out), I gift all my sacredness. I receive my life for thee. Forever in the breeze!

Music Player: whitebuffalocalfwoman.net

Music Player: iamaSunDance.Org