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Elder Hoops Meditation

by Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
My new blog and Great Name: Thunder Roaring Stream

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I hold You

Aho My Relations On This Great Red Road, I Bless The Sacred 9 Directions!
I walk hand in hand with you, and will not allow you to fall far. I will not let yesterday to be my moment of greatness nor assume tomorrow is promised. Walk for your own greatness and allow for error, preconcieved expectations makes us biased and one sided. I love therefore I am loved!
"Great Spirit, beautiful Mother, and Ageless Ancestors allow me to truly see greatness through a mirror"

Point to Your Heart, Rainbow Clan!

I Bless Myself, I Bless the World, I Bless You

Nine Sacred Directions, I Bless with Fire, to alleviate mire, the space that needs some grace, when I light up and purify this space! ~ White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Prayer to Heaven and Earth, the Nine Sacred Directions each time we bless water's dark and fire's light, included in the Pipe!

To the East and the West. To the North and the South. To the Up and the Down. To the Sacred All Around. To the Heartbeat (in) and the Breath (out), I gift all my sacredness. I receive my life for thee. Forever in the breeze!

Music Player: whitebuffalocalfwoman.net

Music Player: iamaSunDance.Org