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Elder Hoops Meditation

by Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
My new blog and Great Name: Thunder Roaring Stream

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wakan Tankan (Walk and Talk in Greatness)

Aho My Family on Our Journey, 

While most are coming to terms with their own beliefs and understandings it is imperative to respect YOUR RIGHT (seeking) to find yourself (soul). On this journey we must respect the hard (Earthly) Red Road while showing balance and visiting our Heavenly Blue Road. With only lessons, "learned to live by" we will continue to be followers.  While adding bliss and love; our lessons then turn to teachings (walking towards the broken heart is wisdom). We teach our own through actions not simple talk, we must remember to follow through (walk)! Stand as one and speak with the voice of all! Love and happiness to everyone!

"Grandfather spirit, beautiful Mother, and Ancestors show me how too Wakan Tankan (walk and talk in greatness)"

--Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!

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Aho Relatives, Welcome to Elder Hoops Meditation by Little Crow Who Talks to Thunderbird. A yellow child and dreamer, brings wisdom of the Rainbow Clan to the Hoops of the universe and to you. Welcome into our hearts. And thank you for all your comments. We are pleased to hear from you. Aho and may your spirit Fly.

Point to Your Heart, Rainbow Clan!

I Bless Myself, I Bless the World, I Bless You

Nine Sacred Directions, I Bless with Fire, to alleviate mire, the space that needs some grace, when I light up and purify this space! ~ White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

Prayer to Heaven and Earth, the Nine Sacred Directions each time we bless water's dark and fire's light, included in the Pipe!

To the East and the West. To the North and the South. To the Up and the Down. To the Sacred All Around. To the Heartbeat (in) and the Breath (out), I gift all my sacredness. I receive my life for thee. Forever in the breeze!

Music Player: whitebuffalocalfwoman.net

Music Player: iamaSunDance.Org