Aho My Relatives Upon our Great Journey,
It is complicated to learn how to communicate, but very necessary. Reach out and greet one another with light and warmth, only then will you truly be excepted for who you are. We remain in this close knit family that share similar interests and ambitions, so let us stand together. We can sing with the voices of a hundred nations, while still remaining balanced with all we do!
"Grandfather Spirit, beautiful Mother, and our unyielding Ancestors allow us to bask in your unseen light (numinosity or darkness of heaven), and fill our hearts with your incorruptible (honest) clear clarity."
-Little Crow Who Talks To Thunderbird
Yellow child (elder yellow soul), Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy
Aho Relatives,
Voices of Many Nations SING TOGETHER, this is the wisdom of the dawning (awaken, wakan) that Brotherhood brings to our golden age arriving shortly. Less than two years (summer solstice 2013), before heaven arrives into our beingness. The Great Journey that lies upon us all, shines forth with the Sacred Sun Dance (dance around Grandmother dream-space). Each of us shine wakan (sacred walking), holy and divine. Yet, to really become the Greatness within oneself, we must Dance together, Sing together and Share hearts together to understand we are of many nations, who cling to one another around the SACRED TREE of LIFE. We of many Rainbow Colors of Many Hoops, come together to STAND and SING.
Shine upon us, where rainbow blind. Gift salvation to all of thine. Let us share our hearts this time, because it's heavenly chime. Let us sing to radiate high, high above the mountain sky, there my heart will look all around, to see the valley full of sound, to sea the valley needs me to bow down. I will lift and stand with you, though a stranger, my relative you may be true. I must shine forth to show mine eyes, to become GREATNESS, the DIVINE. And we shall know the heart's bond with all men, the place we leave behind lost in sin. Yet, we are grateful for all our ancestors did, paved the way for us to have better daze. And dreams will hold us to be great and divine, because we stood together and sang and chimed.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings
elder crystal child (elder crystal flesh), rainbow warrior of prophecy
Here is sound, that makes us go round and round, the rainbow sky is here to realize. Open your heart, to flow all parts, for heaven flows into our souls, making us shine like rainbows!
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Aho Relatives, Welcome to Elder Hoops Meditation by Little Crow Who Talks to Thunderbird. A yellow child and dreamer, brings wisdom of the Rainbow Clan to the Hoops of the universe and to you. Welcome into our hearts. And thank you for all your comments. We are pleased to hear from you. Aho and may your spirit Fly.